Tips, Tricks, & Hacks that School Won't Teach You

Jump 10 Years Ahead Into Entrepreneurship

This  FREE 3 Part Webinar Series  is for young entrepreneurs who wish to succeed in the world of business, specifically, in the field of marketing.

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Session 1: Young Entrepreneurs: The Tools for Success Are Within Your Reach

Join us for this 75-minute session. The session was engineered to ensure you get the most out of this course. In this course you will learn how to take our programs principles and apply them in practical environments. We will also provide you with real life examples of entrepreneurs who utilized the knowledge and skills presented throughout the course and achieved success doing so (we will also provide you with examples of entrepreneurs who didn't utilize these principles and found the opposite of success).

Session 2: Marketing Careers in Today’s World: Find Your Ideal Role

Saying that Marketing is an important role in business is a serious understatement. Marketing is the most vital role in business today. Every business requires strong and successful marketing programs, ran by, skilled and knowledgeable marketing individuals. As a result of this, Marketers are in high demand, and will continue to be for decades to come.

Session 3: Marketing Buzz Words – Learn Them and Define Them Easily

Today is all about learning the words and what they mean. The goal is to get you speaking like a professional marketer in preparation for the remaining sessions of this course (where they will be used frequently). Join us for a 75-minute session on at least 50 key marketing terms to help you enhance your marketing diction.

"I have been applying Generation Entrepreneurs tactics for the last 3 years and have successfully generated over $20 Million in Revenue."

Founder & CEO, GraduationSource

Matthew Gordon

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